
Election process

Staff Council holds elections of representatives on an annual basis. Staff members through the Director level who currently have a minimum of six months of service at TWU and are not represented by Faculty Senate are eligible for nomination. Staff Council seeks representatives from all departments and areas and encourages you to nominate yourself! Nominees will be contacted by the election committee to confirm their nominations.

Duties & responsibilities

The three main responsibilities Staff Council representatives are:

  • Communication with Constituents: The Staff Council representative’s role is to act as a voice for their constituents’ concerns and needs, provide information about opportunities for personal and professional development, promote ways to become more involved in TWU initiatives, and facilitate communication and discussion of university policies which affect staff members.
  • Service in Committees and Task Forces: Staff Council representatives will volunteer to serve on a standing committee, task force, or ad hoc university committee. They will represent TWU staff members in all discussions and actions taken in the committees.
  • Attendance at Meetings: Staff Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. By attending these meetings, staff representatives remain informed about issues affecting their constituents and act as their EEOC’s representative voice.

Page last updated 11:00 AM, March 22, 2023