Media Services

Media Services is a branch of the Conference Services and ID Services Office.

Request Media Services Support

Include details about your request/services needed when reserving the room in Mazevo. If you have already submitted your reservation request (or if your reservation was not booked through Mazevo), contact Media Services at or 940-898-3644.

View full details and pricing of media service options for all TWU locations

Media Services FAQs

Q:  Do I have to pay for technology support?

A:  There is no cost to have a Media Services technician assist with starting/kicking off your meeting during regular business hours.  A fee may apply for some services or rental equipment and for dedicated on-site support.

Q:  What is the difference between a class event and a non-class event?

A:  A class event is a session or meeting that is required for students enrolled in a specific class to attend and is not open to students in other classes.  These functions are supported by ITS, and support can be requested through the Service Desk.

A non-class event is any other kind of event, regardless if it is being hosted by an academic department or not.  These events are supported by the Media Services team.

Q:  I'm planning an event for an academic department.  Will there be a fee for technology support?

A:  If your event is a non-class event, fees may apply for dedicated on-site support and specialty equipment rental.  A class event is a session or meeting that is required for students enrolled in a specific class to attend and is not open to students in other classes.  These functions are supported by ITS, and support can be requested through the Service Desk.

A non-class event is any other kind of event, regardless if it is being hosted by an academic department or not.  These events are supported by the Media Services team.

View the services above for full details depending on the space that is being booked.

Q:  I'm planning an event for a student organization.  Will there be a fee for technology support?

A:  Fees may apply for dedicated on-site support and specialty equipment rental.  View the services above for full details depending on the space that is being booked.

Page last updated 5:05 PM, April 18, 2024