Creating an Internship Experience

A woman in professional attire in an office setting.

To maximize student learning, productivity, and employer satisfaction, well-designed internships:

  • Are clearly and accurately explained in a job description
  • Begin with an orientation to the organization and its culture and norms
  • Assign the intern a direct supervisor who provides continual feedback
  • Allow the intern to take responsibility for projects, rather than assisting with many tasks
  • Include opportunities for the intern to observe meetings and operations outside the scope of their normal duties

Employer best practices

  • Designating an internship supervisor: Having a dedicated supervisor is the best way to ensure the program runs smoothly and successfully.
  • Provide meaningful assignments: Offer interns real work assignments to ensure program success and to ensure a challenging, but supporting environment.
  • Note progress and provide feedback: Give interns constructive feedback throughout the internship so that their work feels valued and learning increases.
  • Set clear and mutual expectations: Setting clear expectations for the interns during their experience will assist in reducing misunderstandings.
  • Hold orientation with interns and supervisors: An orientation will ensure both the interns and supervisors start off on the same page.
  • Schedule regular meetings: Have a weekly scheduled time to meet with the intern so they can update you on projects or get clarification.

Set up an internship opportunity for TWU students

A TWU student at a booth at the career and internship fair.

All of our opportunities (internships, volunteer positions, part-time jobs, and full-time opportunities) are all posted on TWU Connect - Handshake, our online recruitment platform.

Step 1: Create a job description

Identify projects for interns and create a description for the internship experience. Find job description examples here.

Step 2: Post your opportunities

Log in to Handshake, or create a free account, and begin posting your opportunities.

Step 3: Connect with TWU students and hire them

Contact the Internships Office staff to begin branding your organization on-campus and connecting with our students.

Recruiting interns

One of the best recruitment techniques that employers prefer is interactions and engagement with our students. We have a variety of recruitment programs and events for employers to connect with our students that meet different organization needs.

Find Internship Recruitment Opportunities

Page last updated 4:40 PM, April 12, 2022