Student and Group Travel

Student Travel

State funds cannot be used to pay travel expenses of students incurred in attending meetings or conferences. Neither can such funds be used to pay travel expenses of an employee of the University if the only justification is that of accompanying or sponsoring students or in furnishing transportation for them.

Regardless of the types of travel, proposals for student travel must:

  • Acquire approval by the Department head/Director prior to making any travel arrangements
  • Comply with the same dollar amount limits set for TWU employees

If students are also employees of TWU, then the purpose of the trip will determine if the individual should follow travel guidelines set for employees or for students.

Individual Student Travel

Applicable to students traveling individually (as opposed to group travel) to attend conferences or symposiums.

All receipts showing proof of payment must be attached to a Check Request form supporting the reimbursement expense. Do not use the Concur Software for individual student travel. Travel advances are not allowed. If direct billing any expense, a separate Purchase Order is required payable to each vendor and the invoice referencing that Purchase Order must be submitted to Accounts Payable ( for payment. The following information must be included in the Purchase Order:

  • Name of traveler
  • Place and reason for travel
  • Travel dates
  • Use object code 7199 for non-grant related funds and 8403 for grant funded

Student Group Travel

Applicable to students traveling as a group to attend an event.

A designated TWU employee must be established as the responsible party traveling with the students. This employee will use their TWU Travel Card to cover the trip expenses. If the employee does not already have a TWU Travel Card one can be requested in Concur. Allowable TWU Travel Card expenses for student group travel include transportation, lodging, parking, and meals.

Upon completion of travel, the employee will reconcile Travel Card activity in Concur. All itemized receipts are required.

Instructions for requesting a Travel Card and Reconciliation instructions can be found in the Training and Resources area of this website.

Page last updated 4:28 PM, October 23, 2023