School and Alumni News

Answering the call to serve: Students help communities during pandemic

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, people are continuing to find ways to help their friends, neighbors and local communities— and TWU students are no exception. Several College of Health Sciences students have taken up the call to help however they can.

TWU earns second place in Student Bowl Competition; faculty and students awarded

Two teams of kinesiology students proudly represented Texas Woman’s and the School of Health Promotion and Kinesiology by competing in the Texas Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (TACSM) Student Bowl Competition against 36 teams representing 23 universities. The TWU Maroon Team, which earned second place in the competition, consisted of Kylie Eynon, Maddie Hoffman and Dreanna McAdams. The TWU White Team consisted of Samantha Brandt, Madeline Boutwell and Ansah Qureshi.

Associate Professor Rhett Rigby discusses how horse riding plus brain-building exercises may help kids with autism, ADHD

Associate Professor Rhett Rigby, PhD, researches how a combination of horseback riding and brain-building activities may help improve motor skills in children with neurodevelopmental conditions like autism-spectrum disorders and ADHD.

TWU doctoral student receives NCHEC Outstanding Service and Leadership Award

Morgan Grant, a Texas Woman’s University health promotion and kinesiology PhD student, received the 2019 Outstanding Service and Leadership Award in the Emerging Professionals category from the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC).

Golfing career set stage for Kanwar’s research interest

Kiran Kanwar’s area of research may not be the kind you’d expect to be conducted on a typical college campus. But then, Kanwar isn’t your typical researcher. 

At 63, she just completed her Ph.D. in kinesiology with a concentration in biomechanics.