
Nursing provides rare experience to Korean nursing students

South Korean nursing student Ju Hah Yeon was surprised when an emergency department nurse told her that teamwork is the most important aspect of nursing. Hah Yeon always felt individual ability was most important, especially in an emergency setting. But during a code blue simulation, Hah Yeon saw her team’s result improve significantly when she concentrated on teamwork as the simulation team leader.

Mixing science, dance helps alum find calling

Alumna Natsuko Oshima, PT, DPT received the competition poster award at the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science conference in Limerick, Ireland for her research on how effects of abrupt tempo changes in music affects the jumping mechanism of ballet dancers. 

OT PhD student wins second association award

Texas Woman’s PhD student Sue Ram, OTD, OTR, received the 2023 American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Gary Kielhofner Emerging Leader Award for extraordinary service early in her career.

Nursing announces 2023 Doswell Health Informatics Conference

The Houston J. and Florence A. Doswell College of Nursing announced the 2023 Doswell Health Informatics Conference to take place April 28, 2023, at TWU Dallas. This year, the theme is “Enhancing clinician and patient well-being through health informatics.”

JHG Texas awards 100th nursing scholarship

Since 2018, the Johanniter Humanitarian Group (JHG) of Texas has presented more than 100 scholarships to JHG Texas Nursing Scholars. In October, the organization awarded its 100th scholarship at TWU Dallas.