General Questions

What if I am feeling sick or think that I have COVID-19?

If you become ill, regardless of whether you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, please stay home. Contact your health care provider and seek medical attention, as needed.

To assist with self-screening, please read the COVID-19 Self-Screening document.

Are the Dallas & Houston campuses included in university announcements?

Yes. All guidance issued includes all three campuses, as well as the Collin Higher Education Center.

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ

When did TWU begin administering the COVID-19 vaccine to the university community?

On Jan. 5, 2021, the university started inoculations for the virus following state health guidelines.

How much will it cost?

There are no out-of-pocket costs to receive the vaccine. However, the federal government now permits TWU Student Health Services to submit a medical insurance claim for the administrative costs associated with providing the vaccine. Individuals who have medical insurance will be asked to bring their insurance information to the SECOND vaccine appointment. For individuals who do not have insurance, TWU will submit administrative costs to a federal CARES Act fund for reimbursement.

Who is eligible to receive the vaccine at TWU?

TWU current and incoming students who are age 18 and older are eligible to receive the first two doses of the vaccine.

A third and/or booster dose is available to those that received a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 5 months or more ago, or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine 2 months or more ago.

Are these vaccines available for the general public, not associated with TWU?

Not at this time.

Student FAQ

Can I get academic accommodations for a medical condition?

Students requesting academic accommodations must register through Disability Support Services. To start the process, email More information is provided on the Disability Services for Students website.

Is TWU still hosting tours or recruiting events?

In the interest of the health and safety of our visitors and the campus community, we are resuming campus tours with modified requirements; please visit the on-campus tour site for more information. Online meetings and events are still available and strongly encouraged. Contact us at with questions.

International Student FAQ

Does my Academic HealthPlans insurance policy through TWU cover COVID 19?

Yes. Students who have purchased health insurance through Academic HealthPlans do have coverage for care related to contracting the coronavirus. Your health insurance coverage is valid at any in-network health care provider who accepts United Healthcare Choice Plus PPO. There are providers nationwide. Here is the link to the provider finder: 

All of my classes are now online. Am I still compliant with my F-1 visa?

Yes. The Student Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP) has provided a mechanism for TWU to notify them of the course delivery changes TWU has made in an effort to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. International Affairs has reported these changes to SEVP and you will remain in compliance with F-1 regulations while finishing the semester online. Contact if you have additional questions.

Can I return to my home country and continue my studies online?

Yes. The Student Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP) is committed to remaining flexible in allowing TWU to make temporary procedural adaptations for international students. For the remainder of the spring semester, you may engage in online learning from either within the United States or outside the country. Contact if you have additional questions.

If I go to my home country to continue studies, can I return to the U.S.?

International students who continue to make normal progress in their course of study remain eligible for re-entry into the United States. Always carry the following documents:

  • A valid passport or travel document, unless exempt from the passport requirement.
  • A valid F-1 visa (unless exempt from visa requirements)
  • A Form I-20 properly endorsed for travel by the Designated School Official (DSO)
  • Evidence of financial resources
  • Evidence of student status (recent tuition receipts, transcripts)
  • Name and contact information for the school's Designated School Official (DSO)

In addition, due to the changing array of travel restrictions, international students should refer to their local embassy’s website and the U.S. Department of State for any F-1 visa and travel restriction updates. The Center for Disease Control is also a helpful resource for information about travel restrictions. Contact if you have additional questions.

Employee FAQ

Is telecommuting available for faculty and staff employees?

Yes, it is available for some staff positions. Information regarding remote work is available in the Alternative Work Arrangement policy and guide.

Alternative work arrangements include flexible work schedules, telecommuting or a combined arrangement with a flexible schedule and telecommuting. Alternative work arrangements are designed to meet the operational and customer service needs of the university to ensure that business needs are met.

Faculty members should speak to their department heads regarding remote work.

How do I submit a request to remove a university asset for telecommuting purposes?

  1. Complete the Equipment Loan or Transfer to Out-of-Office Location Form, which requires signature by the Department Head/Director (or a designee).
  2. Email the completed form to Dennis Hoebee and CC: Melody Dunn &
  3. For a seamless transition to work-from-home, IT Solutions (ITS) is ready to assist you! Most of this assistance can be done remotely; however, desktop iMacs and some desktop Windows devices have to be adjusted on campus prior to removal.
  4. Please refer to this site for more info about working from home.
  5. To access the internet on a TWU desktop PC at home, you will need to connect an ethernet (internet) cable from the PC to your home router.
  6. VPN (CiscoAnyConnect) will be required to be installed on the machine to access the following: Colleague UI, Oracle E-Business (Phoenix), Internal Websites, SQL Reports, X-Drive (Map on Windows) (Map on Mac), and OnBase Web Client & GMedia. VPN requires the use of the DUO mobile app which must be installed on a mobile device.
  7. If you take your desktop home, you won’t need to use Remote Desktop.
  8. After ITS adjusts the computer prior to removal, they will be able to assist with usual issues and requests through the Service Desk, which is and will be fully operational. Elevated rights should not be needed for users.

Equipment Loan or Transfer to Out-of-Office Location Form

What if I am fearful of the workplace because of COVID-19?

Discuss with your supervisor the specific reasons causing you to be fearful of the workplace. Have your concerns been previously addressed through university guidance?

Discuss any additional concerns and possible resolutions with your supervisor. Depending upon the operational needs of the department, an alternative work arrangement and/or the use of accrued overtime, comp time or vacation time may be an option for consideration.

What if I have a high-risk medical condition per CDC or other disability that could be exacerbated by COVID-19?

If you have a high-risk medical condition per CDC that could put you at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 or you have another disability that could be exacerbated by COVID-19, you may submit a request for an ADA accommodation for consideration.

What if I or a household member are in a high-risk group and am fearful to return to the workplace because of COVID-19?

If you are 65 and older without a high-risk medical condition per the CDC or other disability that could be exacerbated by COVID-19, please refer to the question “What if I am fearful of returning to the workplace because of COVID-19?”

If you are pregnant but are fearful to return to the workplace because of COVID-19, please refer to the question “What if I am fearful of returning to the workplace because of COVID-19?” If a high-risk medical condition results from your pregnancy, see the question “What if I have a high-risk medical condition per CDC or other disability that could be exacerbated by COVID-19?”

If you have a household member in a high-risk group per the CDC, an alternative work arrangement and/or the use of accrued overtime, comp time or vacation time may be an option for consideration, depending upon the operational needs of the department.

What if I have childcare needs because of day care/school closures due to COVID-19?

Discuss your scheduling needs with your supervisor. Depending upon the operational needs of the department, an alternative work arrangement may be an option.

What if I or someone in my household is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms?

Individuals who feel sick, test positive, or have been exposed to the virus should follow current CDC guidelines for isolation/quarantine, as well as the treatment advice of their medical provider.

To assist with self-screening, please read the COVID-19 Self-Screening document.

What if I want to extend my current telecommuting and/or flexible scheduling arrangement for non COVID-19 reasons?

Discuss your request with your supervisor. Supervisors are required to follow the directed guidance of the divisional leadership regarding alternate work arrangements.  Therefore, your request may or may not be considered.  Depending upon the guidance, your supervisor will review factors such as the operational needs of the department, if the request is fair and equitable to other employees, etc.  Refer to the Telecommuting policy and the Flex Work policy.

Where can I find out how much leave I have available?

For all leave eligible employees:

  • Log in to Pioneer Portal, choose My Info, Payslip Information.  Your accrual balance can be found under “Accruals” on your payslip.  Note – accruals on the payslip are as of the time payslips were posted.  Example – payslips are posted late April for the May 1 pay date and will not yet reflect usage for the month of April.

For staff who complete Oracle timecards:

  • Log in to Oracle, TWU Employee Self-Service, Timecard Entry, choose the update icon on your timecard, click “Show Accrual Balances” link in the upper left corner.

Can I return to work after testing positive or caring for a member of my household with confirmed COVID-19?

Individuals who test positive or have been exposed to the virus should follow current CDC guidelines for isolation/quarantine, as well as the treatment advice of their medical provider.

Telecommuting employees should talk with their supervisors for guidance for returning to work.

If I become sick at work, can my supervisor make me leave work?

Yes. You are required to leave. As with all illnesses, employees are encouraged to stay home and/or leave work if they begin to show symptoms. Due to the contagious nature of COVID-19, maintaining safety is of the utmost importance. Accrued sick leave and/or vacation leave will need to be applied to any time missed during this quarantine/isolation. If you are not in a position that is able to telecommute, or if you are too ill to telecommute. Family Medical Leave may need to be designated for absences of more than three days.

Please communicate absences longer than three days for review of FMLA eligibility. Please contact Lisa Taylor at for more information.

What resources are available for employees for non-medical situations?

All benefits-eligible staff and faculty have access to the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) services at no cost to the employee, employee’s spouse and dependent children. Licensed clinicians are available 24/7, 365 days a year to help with any type of situation.  All guidance counseling is confidential. EAP: 1-800-343-3822 or visit their website at

Supervisor FAQ

How do I track my employee’s work if they are telecommuting?

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring employees are effectively performing the functions of their position while working in a temporary telecommuting arrangement. Supervisors may also modify employee duties based on the current operational needs of the department. Reports of work duties/tasks performed are expected to be submitted by employees to their supervisors on a scheduled basis as determined by the supervisor.

What if an employee refuses to come to work during this period?

Supervisors are encouraged to allow for telecommuting as appropriate, flex time, and approve vacation, overtime and compensatory time usage. If the supervisor does not approve leave and the employee still refuses to come to work, employees would be subject to the progressive disciplinary process. However, supervisors will continue to make decisions based on the business operational needs of the department.

Under what circumstances could a supervisor cancel vacation or other non-sick leave requests that were already approved?

Supervisors are responsible to continue the business operations of the department. Therefore, supervisors may cancel requests for time off especially in circumstances of serious staff shortages to continue operations.

All Non-Work Study Student Employees

Student employees may utilize telecommuting, upon the approval of their supervisor, where work is available and the tasks/duties may be performed remotely. Supervisors are responsible to ensure student employees working in a temporary telecommuting arrangement are effectively performing the functions of their position. Duties may be modified as determined by the supervisor based on the current operational needs of the department. Daily reports of work duties/tasks performed are expected to be submitted by student employees to their supervisors. Reports are subject to verification upon request by departments or Human Resources.

Temporary telecommuting arrangements may be modified or discontinued at any time at the department head’s discretion. Telecommuting approvals are to be maintained at the department level.

Student work may only continue to be compensated when work is available and meets the operational needs of the department. There will be circumstances, as determined by the department, when student work is no longer available on campus and/or work is not appropriate for telecommuting. Student employees will not continue to be compensated under these circumstances.

Contact Tracing

What do I instruct students to do if they state they are experiencing COVID-like symptoms or have tested positive?

Encourage them isolate at home until they feel better and to get tested for COVID-19, if they have not already done so. You may direct them to the current CDC guidelines for isolation/quarantine.

Are seating charts/attendance still necessary?

No. As of August 1, 2022, changes were made to the TWU COVID-19 Reporting requirements. Reporting of positive tests or exposures to Risk Management is no longer required and contact tracing will no longer be conducted.

How will I know when to excuse an absence when a student reports COVID-related attendance issues?

Faculty are encouraged to treat students who report absences due to isolation or quarantine related to COVID-19 in a similar manner as other illnesses.

Will a student be provided a notification email from Risk Management that they are released from isolation or quarantine?

As reporting of positive tests or exposures is no longer required as of August 1, 2022, Risk Management will not be providing release emails.

What are the current rules regarding masks on campus?

Mask wearing on campus is a personal choice, and not mandated by TWU or required per CDC guidelines based on our COVID-19 community level.

You may remind students that CDC guidelines recommend that individuals wear masks during the five days after release from isolation or the ten days following a confirmed exposure.

Have more questions?

Contact us at with any questions you have, and we will track down the answer for you.

Page last updated 4:15 PM, March 13, 2024