
Mathematics alumna Tav Tepfer featured in Medium's 'Women of the C-Suite'

TWU team investigates patented drug as breast cancer treatment

Dr. Bergel and his team have developed a new model system for investigating the metastatic spread of breast cancer.

Congratulations to our TWU PRIME scholarship awardees of 2021-2022

Eight undergraduate students received a TWU PRIME scholarship over the academic year of 2021-2022. TWU and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offer other scholarship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students.

NSF awards $1.5 million to TWU team to boost STEM activities

This summer, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded a $1.5 million grant to a team of Texas Woman's faculty members to fund a project aimed at boosting enrollment in graduate biotechnology programs and promoting career success in the biotechnology sector. The team, made up of Drs. Juliet Spencer, Diana Elrod, Stephanie Pierce and Jessica Gullion, is launching TWU-SCALE, or Scholarships and Co-curricular Activities Leading to Excellence in the Biotechnology workforce. 

Biochemistry major Laura Ruemmele to participate in Nation Institute of Health summer program

Laura Ruemmele, an upcoming junior biochemistry major, has been admitted to the National Institute of Health summer research program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Laura started her research in May of 2021 in the laboratory of Dr. Elizabeth Fozo, Department of Microbiology.