News and Events

Student’s citizenship path began with big leap

A journey begins with one step. For Saumi Liyanage, that initial step was more like a huge leap. 

Opinion: This holiday, don’t forget grace – for teachers

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to negatively impact our state economies, health systems and educational institutions, many Americans—no doubt—are experiencing profound stress.

COPE recognizes principals and assistant principals

As National Principals Month comes to a close this weekend, TWU's College of Professional Education recognizes alumni currently working as principals or assistant principals. 

Besides books, rural librarian’s focus is telehealth

Access to broadband internet and healthcare are challenges to rural Texans. And in a pandemic, those challenges are magnified. But efforts by a Texas Woman’s University graduate student are chipping away at those issues in one North Texas community. 

TWU Bilingual Ed celebrates 50+ years

The bilingual education program at Texas Woman’s University started on the fly and required dedicated, creative people to build it into what it would become 51 years later: one of the country’s leaders in bilingual education and a shining example of why TWU is recognized as a Hispanic-Serving Institution.