Information for Administrators

What is the cost of Reading Recovery®?

Because teacher salary schedules and school operating expenses vary across districts and regions of the country, each school must calculate its own start-up and ongoing expenses. The Reading Recovery Council of North America outlines the different expenses involved with implementation on the council’s website.

Districts generally report costs per child range between $2,300 and $3,500. The investment reduces the number of children who need ongoing, expensive services. Because a large number of initially low achievers respond quickly and require only a short-term intervention, the resources saved can be used to support the small percentage who need longer-term help.

Does Reading Recovery change the school system?

Reading Recovery is not designed to take the place of a comprehensive plan for literacy, but to provide a safety net within a comprehensive literacy plan. However, many educators United States have discovered Reading Recovery becomes a catalyst to identify and make needed changes. For example, in one school district, classroom teachers who were not Reading Recovery teachers reported changes in their own practices of assessing children, choosing books appropriately, focusing on strengths and teaching with higher expectations.

Is Reading Recovery a private business?

Reading Recovery is not an independent business venture; it is a not-for-profit intervention that involves collaboration among schools, districts and universities. The purpose of the trademark is to protect the quality and integrity of Reading Recovery across multiple implementation sites. Use of the trademark is granted annually, royalty-free, to sites that meet quality standards.

For more information visit the Reading Recovery Council of North America's website.

Page last updated 10:25 AM, April 24, 2017